Wednesday 30 April 2014

What we Feed


It's what our pet carnivores evolved to eat. No man-made diet can hope to compare to fresh natural whole food. The benefits of a whole natural diet include improvements in multiple areas. Most people report significant improvements in all areas after switching to a whole natural diet. One of the simplest but most profound improvements is in dental health. Chewing whole raw meaty bones scrubs teeth better than brushing and flossing. The periodontal disease suffered by most commercially-fed animals leads to heart, kidney, and liver disease, in addition to the painful gingivitis and tooth root abscesses typical of the kibble-fed pet. Studies have shown that over 80% of pets have periodontal disease by the age of 2. Foul breath is one of the outward symptoms of this deadly disease from which millions of commercially-fed pets suffer and die.  Very interesting reading:)

This is what we feed:           

Our babies are weaned on raw food because we believe this will keep them in optimum health.  All our adults too are fed mainly a raw diet and they love it!!!  This has been thoroughly researched and tested.  More to follow..........

Raw minced chicken with Salmon oil