
They really are my little darlings! thank you for breeding such lovely little kitties!!!  From Kat & Matt in Birmingham

 They babysat for us on the first Friday because we had theatre tickets and I didn’t want him to be on his own with three large cats he wasn’t sure about. Mike isn’t really a Siamese fan, but he is quite smitten and, as I’ve said, we can’t keep Naomi away and that is definitely due to what a smashing little cat he is. I couldn’t have picked a nicer one. Thank you very much.  Val

Hi Lisa,
I hope you are well and all the cats and kittens are doing well? I just wanted to send you a couple of pictures of Sookie and Jasper in our new home. They’ve both had their little ops and love their cuddles and the basket they are pictured in is their favourite place at the moment. They are so happy and love me to throw rolled up bits of paper or sweetie wrappers for them which they bring back to me to throw again, they nip my feet if they don’t think I’m moving fast enough or if they want something and I’m not paying attention too! Jasper is more boisterous than Sookie and gets quite possessive if other people come round and wants my attention to himself. He will come and drape himself round my neck or sit in front of my mouth so I can’t speak to them! They are absolute angels and I love them to bits. They get kissed, cuddled and pampered to bits!!

Take care and all the best

Holly x

Hi Lisa

Hope you are well?

We all just wanted to say hello and to let you know that we are thoroughly enjoying our lives and have our humans well trained to meet our needs.

We do exactly as we please when we please and if we don't get our own way, well we just destroy something!

Kalika wants you to see what a lovely tummy she has....

Any way, Merry Christmas and best wishes from the New Year

With many miaows and claws,


ZsaZsa, Kalika and Anastasia (also known as No, No and No)

Hi Lisa,
Just to let you know that the babies are doing really well.   They are wrecking havoc around the house,  but we wouldn't have it any other way!  Thank you so much for breeding such wonderful kittens and for all the help you have given us choosing our fur children.

Mac + Hayley. xx

Dear Lisa,

Hope you are well.
We would like to thank you for all your advice and patience with picking our beautiful Milo.  He is such a joy to have around and has settled in so well he feels like he's been here forever.  He is growing well and talks constantly to us...which we love!
Love to you and your beautiful cats x

All best

Jan Jones

Hi Lisa, just a quick line to let you know how happy we are with Syrius. We have actually renamed him Hector and he is a joy. As you can see in the photo he knows how to relax. He is growing well and will be a big boy! He loves his food too much. He has a favourite toy that he will fetch for you and walks around the house with it in his mouth. He is such a lovely natured boy and very confident, always happy to meet visitors (who have all fallen in love with him too). He can be a bit naughty sometimes and we have had to watch him when he has his mad half hour in the evening as he likes to run up the curtains. If you ever have any seal point girls let me know, a little girl would make our family complete and also give him a younger friend to chase. Milo gets a little cross after being chased around for a while as he is more of a sedate gentleman but as soon as Hector gets tired Milo is there to give him a wash and curl up with him to sleep. We haven’t had him neutered yet, doyou think he is old enough now or would you suggest waiting until he is a little older?


Carole Brooks

Dear Lisa, it's nearly been a week since we picked up our beautiful kitten. We have called him Loki. He is settling in well and is becoming more adventurous and outgoing  by the day. You trained him well, he used  his litter tray straight away and we have only had one little accident. He loves his Hi-life wet food (he also has royal canin baby food) and has a healthy appetite. I will send you more pictures as he gets older, this is him this morning at home in his radiator hammock!! Thank you so much for such a healthy, happy kitten.
Kind Regards Maxine

Hello Lisa, just thought I would send you an updated photo of Loki. As you can see he is a very handsome chap. He is very adventurous and certainly rules the roost. Our spaniel Bramble is fascinated by him and they have slowly become good friends. He has a very healthy appetite and is very vocal about asking for more!! He has now had both his leukemia  jabs, and the vet commented what a beautiful healthy specimen he was, which is entirely to your credit. We are so happy he is part of our family.
Kind regards Maxine

Hi Lisa
I wanted to let you know that the kitten I picked up from you nearly a year ago has turned out to be an absolute treasure! She was one of Sapphire’s litter and you named her Kemra. She is now called Connie and is living happily with my parents in Hertfordshire. We always knew she was going to be a beautiful cat like her mother but she also has the loveliest personality – she is always friendly including with strangers and is devoted to my father who she follows around the house. We are so pleased with her and would certainly come back to you in the future should we want another kitten.
Best wishes